Author: Hilary Norton
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Come and kick start your festivities with our ever popular Christmas show. Special reduced prices as we celebrate our 30th Anniversary.
St John Passion by J S Bach
We performed the St John Passion earlier in the year and now have the chance to perform it again at a different venue. St Gabriel’s Church, Aldersbrook, E12 5HH on October 5th at 7pm “St John Passion” by Johann Sebastian Bach, is the earliest of the surviving Passions. It was written during his first year […]
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June 30th St John’s Smith Square A stunning performance from the choir, orchestra, soloists and our musical director who conducted. Thanks too, to all the ticket sellers and back stage people who “moved stuff around” .
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“St John Passion” by Johann Sebastian Bach
“St John Passion” by Johann Sebastian Bach, is the earliest of the surviving Passions. It was written during his first year as director of church music in Leipzig and was first performed on 7th April 1724, at Good Friday Vespers at the St. Nicholas Church. To buy a ticket press the link below ticket prices […]
Christmas Concerts!
We are singing two Christmas concerts. December 2nd 2023 at 6pm at West Ham Parish Church, Church Street, E15 3HU Tickets are available from Eventbrite. Here is the url: https://shorturl.at/fLY17 and QR code. AND also Carols by Candlelight at Chelmsford Catherdral on December 16th 2023 at 7pm.
Vivaldi Gloria
All Saints Chorus & Orchestra return to St Gabriel’s Aldersbrook where their performance of Messiah was sold out to an enthusiastic audience. The program includes the ever popular ‘Gloria’ by Vivaldi together with Bach’s concerto for violin & oboe and Handel’s ‘Arrival of the Queen of Sheba. Also featured are two French motets: ‘Panis Angelicus’ […]
Handel’s MESSIAH
Handel’s enduring masterpiece ever popular with audiences – A not-to-be missed evening of music was a huge success with a full house.. 6.30pm Saturday March 18th 2023 St. Gabriel’s Church, 12 Aldersbrook Road, London E12 5HH
West Ham Parish Church, Church Street, E15 3HU Saturday December 10th 6.30pm ALL SAINTS CHORUS and the Senior Choir of NELSON PRIMARY School with members of the ALL SAINTS ORCHESTRA Musical Director Jon Cullen Conducted by Joanne Cull Come along, sing some carols, and listen to choral Christmas favourites including “Carol of the Bells”, […]
Open Rehearsal for the Verdi Requiem
We are singing the Requiem by Versi on November 12th at Southwark Cathedral. As you can imagine our rehearsals are in full flow. You would be most welcome to join us on October 8th for one of our rehearsals… Maybe you have sung it before, maybe you just love it but have only sung along […]